The West Goshen Planning Commission is a group of township volunteers who are a recommending body to the Township Board of Supervisors. The group works in conjunction with the township staff, township engineer and the Board of Supervisors to review land development projects within West Goshen Township. Land development and conditional use applications are usually submitted to the township staff and engineer, then presented to the Planning Commission who review the land development proposal and conduct conditional use reviews, where necessary. Conditional use reviews are required for certain land uses which may need special reasonable conditions set upon them which the Board of Supervisors deem appropriate.
When a developer submits a land development proposal, it is submitted to the township engineer and staff who then submit it to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission works with the township engineer and staff to identify specific recommendations and changes to the plan before it goes before the Board of Supervisors.
Planning Commission members will look at zoning, traffic studies, landscaping, screening and other areas of any land development plan to see that they adhere to township codes, zoning regulations, subdivision and land development (SALDO) ordinances, and also work within the framework of the 2019 comprehensive plan prior to making their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for the land development proposal.
Current Planning Commission Members are:
- Julie Potts – Chair
- Vito Genua – Vice Chair
- John Hellman – Secretary
- Jeffrey S. Lieberman – Member
- Carrie Martin – Member
- John Mattia – Member
- John T. Wildrick – Member
- Dr. Douglas White – Member
If you would like to consider a position on the Planning Commission or any other appointed board or commission for West Goshen Township, you are encouraged to contact Derek Davis, Asst. Township Manager / Director of Planning & Zoning at