- Does West Goshen have a Per Capita Tax?
- What is the property tax millage rate for West Goshen Township?
- How often are we billed for sewer and trash?
- How does the Township use my 1% Earned Income Tax?
Does West Goshen have a Per Capita Tax?
No. West Goshen does not have a per capita tax. We do have a 1% earned income tax which is handled through Keystone Collections Group, 724-978-0300. The Township collects 0.5% of the Earned Income Tax and the other 0.5% goes to West Chester Area School District. Pursuant to Pennsylvania Act 222 of 2004, West Goshen Township has also instituted an Emergency and Municipal Services Tax in the amount of $52 per year for residents and non-residents employed in West Goshen Township.
What is the property tax millage rate for West Goshen Township?
The millage rate is 2.00 mills.
How often are we billed for sewer and trash?
Sewer and trash are billed quarterly.
How does the Township use my Earned Income and Property Taxes?
The taxes goes into the General Fund budget for the Township. This Fund is responsible for maintaining the day to day operations of the Township. Services such as park maintenance, snow removal, street resurfacing, summer recreation programs and public safety are just a few examples of how your tax dollars are spent.
Click here for more information about the tax collector.