With the many roadway improvement projects being conducted on the area roadways, drivers are reminded to use caution in active work zones. An “Active Work Zone is defined by the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code as the portion of a work zone where construction, maintenance or utility workers are located on the roadway, berm or shoulder. The Vehicle Code further defines (in part) the duties of drivers when approaching these areas:
3326. Duty of driver in construction and maintenance areas or on highway safety corridors.
(a) AREAS INDICATED BY TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICES.-The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to any authorized vehicle or pedestrian actually engaged in work upon a highway within any highway or utility construction or maintenance area indicated by official traffic-control devices placed in accordance with department regulations, including advanced warning signs or a vehicle having flashing or revolving yellow lights.
Fines are doubled for certain offenses as well as suspension of operating privileges when committed in an active work zone.
Please use caution in these areas to keep our workers safe!