Arbor Day Tree Planting

2018 Arbor Day Tree Planting
West Goshen Community Park
Friday, April 27th at 6PM

Join us as we celebrate Arbor Day on April 27, Pennsylvania’s official day as declared by Governor William W. Scranton in 1961! Ceremony to include reading of Township’s official Proclamation and planting of a Flowering Dogwood ‘Cherokee Princess’ donated by Agway! The tree planting will begin at 6 PM by the white gazebo located on the north side of West Goshen Communtiy Park.  All are welcome.

Our Township became a member of The Arbor Day Foundation in 1972. the Board of Supervisors seeks to become an official “Tree City USA,” an initiative of West Goshen Sustainability Task Force. You may learn more about the initiative from the Daily Local News article.

To Learn how you can join the effort, contact the Sustainability Task Force at:
(group email: westgoshenstf@gmail.com

Trees, especially when properly planted and maintained, provide enormous aesthetic, economic, environmental and health benefits for generations.

Below are some Treemendous links including helpful planting directions for your own arbor day tree plantings:
The Arbor Day Foundation
Cool Facts About Trees
Bare Root Tree Planting PDF
Ball Root Tree Planting PDF
Containerized Root Tree Planting PDF

Did You Know?

The Pennsylvania State Tree is the Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

Eastern hemlock trees were used by early settlers to build log cabins and as a source of tannic acid (for tanning leather). The eastern hemlock (also called Canada hemlock or hemlock spruce) is a prevalent tree in Pennsylvania forests. A slow-growing, long-lived tree which can take 250 – 300 years to reach maturity and may live for 800 years or more. The thick foliage of hemlock trees shelter birds and other animals. Hemlock trees also help cool the forest in summer and block snowfall from the forest floor in winter, making it easier for animals to navigate in harsh winters. The oldest one in Pennsylvania is 554 years old!