About the West Goshen Planning Commission

The West Goshen Planning Commission is a group of township volunteers who are a recommending body to the Township Board of Supervisors. The group works in conjunction with the township staff, township engineer and the Board of Supervisors to review land development projects within West Goshen Township. Land development and conditional use applications are usually […]

Plastic Bag Liners – Recycling Toters

Do not use plastic bag liners in recycling toters The Township’s waste & recycling contractor has reported that some residents are using plastic bag liners secured with rubber bands in their recycling bins.  Please refrain from using plastic bag liners in your recycling bin, as the plastic bags and rubber bands can become dislodged and […]

Sunoco Mariner East Loud Boom Update

Updated 8/20/2019 The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has opened an investigation into the Sunoco pump station incident from August 5th. The Daily Local News 8/20/2019 PUC article   On Monday, August 5th, shortly after 8:00 PM, West Goshen Police responded to several 911 calls regarding a loud “boom” in the area of  Sunoco Pump Station […]

Road Rules: Bus Safety Tips

Each day in Pennsylvania, school buses carry 1,500,000 children to and from school, transporting them more than 400,000,000 miles each year. Every year, children are needlessly injured or killed by drivers passing stopped school buses, and 1,000 motorists have their licenses suspended, receive five points on their driving records, and face $250 fines for failing […]

Greening West Goshen: Pool Closing Safety Tips

The end of summer also usually means the end of swimming season for families with backyard pools. In the northeast, many pool owners partly or entirely drain their pools to reduce maintenance and potential damage from freezing during winter. Pool water, however, has high levels of chemicals, particularly chlorine, that may be harmful to wildlife […]

West Goshen Police Department Gumshoe Camp

On June 24th the West Goshen Police Department conducted their first ever Junior Gumshoes Camp! The camp was offered as a trial to 22 fourth grade students from Fern Hill Elementary School. In this immersive camp experience, students were introduced to an age appropriate mock “crime scene”. Students were instructed on how to collect and […]

Meet a Camp Counselor: Matthew Krykew

The Unicorn tribe was dredging through the river to finally meet the Panther Tribe after hours (or rather minutes) of discussion as a sign of a peace treaty. With Crawfish and Minos as their trusty steeds, the tribe crossed the river or rather the creek in Coopersmith Park located in West Goshen Township. Head Counselor […]

Renewable Energy Planning

100% Renewable Energy use in a community – is it possible? The answer at the Renewable Energy Public Workshop for residents of the West Chester Area was a resounding “YES”.   Worldwide, the energy industry is undergoing one of the most dramatic transformations in history, with changes in networked power delivery, distributed generation, and cost trends […]

Our Community—Meet the Comprehensive Plan Task Force

In June, West Goshen officially adopted its 2019 Comprehensive Plan.  Who was behind this massive body of work that will serve as a roadmap for the township for the next decade?  The West Goshen Township Comprehensive Plan Task Force. The Comprehensive Plan Task Force was made up of members of the township administration, Board of […]

Turn Around, Don’t Drown

Flooding is the leading cause of severe weather-related deaths in the U.S. claiming on average nearly 100 lives a year. Most of these deaths occur in motor vehicles when people attempt to drive through flooded roadways. Many other lives are lost when people walk into or near flood waters. This happens because people underestimate the […]